Who We Are

The Sons of the American Revolution are direct descendants of citizens who participated in the American War for Independence 1775 - 1783. On March 7, 1889 a New Jersey branch of the New York Society of the “Sons of the Revolution (SR)” was formed in Newark, NJ by William Osborn McDowell. McDowell and his compatriots decided to operate under bylaws independent of the SR. On April 30, 1889, the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington as the First President of the United States, the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was formed, with McDowell as SAR Member Number 1. McDowell subsequently worked with six women to organize the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution on July 29, 1890. The SAR has over 37,000 members worldwide. The New Jersey Society now has thirteen chapters and over 750 members. The SAR does not restrict membership on basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, nation of citizenship or residency.

*To learn more about the history and difference between the Sons of the Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution? Click here.

Our Mission

The SAR is a 501 C3 nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.  Our mission is to honor our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, ​supporting education​​ , and ​inspiring future generations about our country's founding principles. 

Having an ancestral connection or our nation’s revolutionary era, the SAR is a collegial organization whose mission is to further the founding ideals. As a hereditary society, our members are connected through a shared sense of honor, privilege, and responsibility to perpetuate the “Cause” of the founders to create an inclusive, just society for all.

What We Do…

Where Does Your American Story Begin?


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Where Does Your American Story Begin? 〰️ Click Here 〰️

Upcoming Events


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Announcing the Dr. Tom and Betty Lawrence Teacher of the Year Award

The New Jersey Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NJSSAR) invites all teachers in the State of New Jersey, whose approved curriculum teaches students anything about the American Revolution era from 1750 to 1800, to apply for the NJSSAR Reverend John Witherspoon American History American History Teacher Grant. The grant is open to all teachers at the elementary, middle school or high school levels at a recognized public, charter, private, or parochial institution. While the preliminary rounds of the grant program begin at the local chapter level, teachers may eventually advance to the state and national levels. The recipient of the NJSSAR Rev. John Witherspon American History Grant will the NJSSAR Candidate for the Dr. Tom and Betty Lawrence Teacher of the Year Award.

The America 250 SAR Committee works on the national, state and local levels to promote the commemoration of the Semiquincentennial - the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States. To learn more click on this link.