Jacob and Mary Francis

Sunday, June 25

10:30 am to 3:00 pm

Flemington Baptist Church

170 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 08822 


Organizer Cell Numbers:

Flemington Baptist Church – Bob Brimmer (908) 421-0106

Hunterdon Cty. - Natalie Zaman (908) 237-2019

Flemington -  Robin Lapidus (617) 549-1373

SR-NJ – Howard Thomas  (908) 507-1835

SAR - Roger Williams (609) 389-5657

Walkie-Talkie Channel 8


Friday: Abutters notified of the street closure. Bunting for front of Church installed at 1 pm by County – Robin & Natalie on site. Keeping an eye on the weather, but it is improving slightly for Sunday.


·      10 am to 10:30 am: Arrival Time for Organizers: Robin, Roger, Bob, Natalie, Howard

·      10:30 am, make the call about seating outside or indoors (unless it is pouring all morning and it’s clear that we have to go indoors). 

·      10:45 – 11:00 am - All event producers and hosts arrive at the Church, park off-site, or in the lot if you are carrying and dropping off many items.


10:00 – 12:00

Roger will bring:

1.   Walkie Talkies

2.   “Foul Weather” Flags for Gravesite Flag Rack

3.   ShopRite Sandwiches

Robin will bring:

1.   Bring Easel & Two Tents.

2.   Bring Cemetery Map & Programs.

3.   Ginger cakes (Shannon & Andrew)

Howard (& Charlie Scammell) will bring:

1.   Root Beer and cups

2.   SR-NJ Flags

Outdoors regardless of weather: (Howard/Roger)

____ Set up Flag Rack & flags behind the Gravesite.

____ Set up the tent over Gravesite.

____Set up 4-6 Stanchions in front of Gravesite.

____Map of the cemetery on an easel under a tent.

Inside or Outside (after weather call is made)

____ “Oh Freedom” panels (Church Steps or Inside Church). (NJDEP Solis/Dowd)

____Plaque itself on a table.

Set up Day of Program - Robin

___ Need a person stationed by Gravesite with Programs

___ Need a person stationed by Front of the Church with Programs

___ Sound Setup for Outdoors / No additional sound needed for indoors

Community Cafeteria Area:

Michael Ugarte, Act.2 Books   Book set-up for selling and signing

____Refreshments going downstairs – 30 chairs.

____Root beer & cups (Howard)

____Ginger cakes (Robin/Shannon & Andrew)

____Sandwiches (Roger)  

Run of Show

12:00 – 2:30

12:00 Visit Gravesite & Historical Display

12:00 Color Guard Muster - North side of the building

12:30 Opening Remarks – Roger S. Williams

12:31 Invocation - Reverend LT Yenn-Batah

12:33 Posting the Colors

1.   Washington Crossing Fife and Drum Corps

2.   Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey

3.   New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution

4.   The Irvington New Jersey High School Army Cadets of the New Jersey Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps

5.   16th Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Line

6.   Glover’s Marblehead Regiment

12:44 Pledge of Allegiance – MAJ Crosby Munro

12:45 Presentation of Greetings

1.   Congressman Tom Kean

2.   Rev. LaThelma Yenn-Batah

3.   Mayor Marcia Karrow

4.   Hunterdon County Commissioner Shaun Van Doren

5. Catherine Fulmer-Hogan, President, Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum

5. Sara Cureton, New Jersey Historical Commission

6.   Sally Lane, CEO, Crossroads of the American Revolution

7.   Patricia Saftner, Daughters of the American Revolution

8.   Charles Scammell, Sons of the Revolution in the State of New Jersey

9.   Jay Hershey, Color Guard Commander, New Jersey Society, Sons of the American Revolution

Keynote Speaker, Historian Larry Kidder, The Revolutionary World of a Free Black Man

Roger S. Williams to read a letter

Featured Speaker Historian, Noah Lewis

Benediction -  Pastor LaThelma

Closing Remarks and Thanks – Roger S. Williams