Job Description - State Education Chair
The State President appoints the State Education Chair (SEC), subject to the State Society By-laws. The Chair will report to the State President.
The SEC is the conduit for information and opportunities from the Education and Youth Programs committees about the SAR Youth Programs and Awards, School Outreach, and all available education resources to their state chapters.
The SEC will advise and assist Chapters in promoting the SAR education mission and the SAR Youth Programs to members, educational institutions, and citizen groups.
Per policy, all state society members who enlist to present and conduct programs to minors without a teacher or guardian must complete the nationally sanctioned SAR Youth Protection Training (YPT). The SEC will promote Chapter YPT compliance.
To honor our patriot ancestors, the SEC encourages Chapters to recruit volunteer Historical Interpreters or Presenters to promote patriotism, serve their communities, and educate and inspire future generations about our country's founding principles.
The SEC will advise and assist Chapters to ensure the Historical Interpreter/Presenters are informed, organized, and prepared to do presentations and programs and that members adhere to the SAR mission, code of ethics, and policies.
The SEC will encourage Chapters to establish continuous improvement methodologies for all Historical Interpreter/Presenters. The SEC will encourage Chapters to maintain a roster of member names accepted as qualified to do presentations and programs.
The SEC will maintain a statewide list of Historical Interpreter/Presenters for the purpose of training, continuous improvement, and demand fulfillment.
SEC will encourage Historical Interpreter/Presenters to become members of their speaker’s bureau at the Chapter and State Society levels.
The SEC will promote chapter participation in the Youth Education Medal program, including the Lifetime Achievement Bar.
The SEC will be the state authority to approve the Youth Education Medal, including the Lifetime Achievement Bar.
State Education Chairs, click here to be redirected to the SAR Members-only link to the SAR Education page on SAR .org. That page includes contact links to education organizations in each state and templates for the SAR Youth Programs.
Version 2025.01