William G. Pomeroy Foundation

Patriot Burial Grave Marker Grant Program

Patriot Burial marker grants are available to SAR chapters with a signed agreement with the Pomeroy Foundation. All state chapters must apply through the State Representative. For NJSSAR, the State Representative is R. Joseph Latshaw III of the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission, rlatshaw@co.ocean.nj.us (732) 929-4779 x 3420

What is a Patriot?

The Pomeroy Foundation defines who a Patriot is based on the standards set by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Before beginning your application, please review the accepted definition and list of qualifying criteria available here.

Standards & Guidelines

The following standards and guidelines are intended to ensure the accuracy and uniformity of the text placed on Patriot Burials’ historic markers. The Pomeroy Foundation will decide on the appropriateness of any text placed on a marker.

  • The name of the cemetery or burial site must be determined and appear on the marker.

  • The applicant must obtain necessary written permission from the property owner where the marker is to be installed.

  • The applicant must provide primary sources to document the Patriot’s Revolutionary War service and burial. SAR and DAR application forms are not acceptable proof of service. Acceptable proof of service includes but is not limited to, pension records, muster rosters, military-bound land records, and official state government-compiled records (i.e., Massachusetts Soldiers; Sailors in the War of the Revolution). Acceptable proof of burial includes, but is not limited to, records of the entity that owns the cemetery and photos of original headstones placed at the time of burial. Replacement headstones and memorial plaques are not proof of burial.

  • All known Patriots in the cemetery or burial site must be recognized. A single Patriot must not be identified for commemoration while ignoring additional Patriots buried at the same grounds. The applicant must conduct a good faith effort to identify any and all Patriots. Proof of this good faith effort will be required.

  • If the number of Patriots is minimal, an effort will be made to include their name(s) on the marker. If there is sufficient room, the rank of the Patriot(s) will be included. Otherwise, only the number of Patriots will be indicated.

  • Additional text describing the Patriot’s post-war activities will only be included if room is available after the above guidelines are met.

  • Markers will only be placed in cemeteries or sites where similar signage indicating Patriot burials does not already exist.

Applications will only be accepted for markers commemorating a cemetery or burial site that is either publicly accessible without having to cross private property or is visible from the site where the marker is installed.

Download Informational Flyer

Marker Design and Text Guidelines

Patriot Burial markers are blue with yellow raised lettering and border. The top of each marker has its state’s SAR chapter logo. Markers are 32” x 18” cast aluminum with a 7’ aluminum pole.

The title of the marker must state “Patriot Burials.” The five body lines can each have up to 27 characters. Please note spaces and punctuation count as characters. Either the exact date of the earliest burial or burials as early as (the year) needs to appear as part of the text.

There is a required credit line at the bottom of the marker, which is always included.

2025 Critical Dates

Round One·          

  • 2/17/25 – Application becomes available online

  •  4/21/25 – Application deadline

  • Jun ‘25 – Grants awarded

Round Two

  • 9/22/25 – Application becomes available online

  • 11/24/25 – Application deadline

  • Feb ‘26 – Grants awarded

Historical Accuracy

The applying chapter must provide primary sources to document the Patriot(s) Revolutionary War service and subsequent burial in the cemetery. Acceptable proof of service includes pension records, muster rosters, military bounty land records, and official state government-compiled records, such as Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. Acceptable proof of burial includes records of the organization or agency that owns the cemetery and photos of original headstones placed at the time of burial.

Application Procedure

Applications must include the following:

  1. A letter from the landowner granting permission for the marker to be installed

  2. Primary source documents verifying the following:

    1. Service

    2. Original headstone/Burial records

  3. Proposed inscription for marker

  4. Proposed installation location in specific detail (including GPS coordinates)

Marker Placement

Please carefully consider the location where the marker is to be installed.

  • Markers should not be placed on high-traffic roadways or roadways where vehicles are traveling at a high rate of speed if there is no place for a vehicle to pull out of traffic safely.

  • Markers should not be placed where visitors must intrude on private property to read it.

  • Markers should not be placed where existing signage contains the same information requested for the marker text.

Before installing your marker, please be sure you are following all of your state’s guidelines around digging and excavation.


For NJSSAR, the State Representative is R. Joseph Latshaw III, rlatshaw@co.ocean.nj.us (732) 929-4779 x 3420